Tara Javidi

Jerzy (George) Lewak Chair and Professor

Electrical & Computer Engineering and Halicioglu Data Science


Founding Co-Director

Center for Machine-Intelligence, Computing and Security

Editor in Chief

IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Information Theory

Other Center Affiliations


Faculty Director

UCSD's Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship


Information Theory for Active (Machine) Learning

Adaptive Signal/Information Acquisition and Processing

Decentralized (Statistical/Reinforcement/Federated) Learning 

Optimization for Machine Integrated Compute & Comm

Wireless Communication Networks

Stochastic and Decentralized Control

IEEE Fellow


My research area involves stochastic analysis, design, and control of information collection, processing, and transfer in modern networked systems. This covers broad theoretical questions as well as practical implementation of various solutions. In my research group, we often prove theorems but we also build and test our theoretical findings when possible (graduate applicants, please refer to this link!). In particular, the work can be broadly broken into the following areas: 

1. Active Learning, Active Hypothesis Testing and Sequential Information Theory, 

2. Stochastic Control and Optimization of Networks, and 

3. AI and Learning-enabled Optimization of Wireless Communications and Networks

On the theoretical front, I am most concerned with the problem of sequential information acquisition and interactive learning where the cost of data collection and/or labeling can be substantially reduced. Here the challenge is to deal with imperfect and noisy data as well as the dynamics of data. Here our objective has been to 1) develop algorithms that acquire the most informative features with the minimum cost and 2) design queries and data collections that account for the uncertainty and inconsistency (of humans) in the loop. 

On the more practical front, I am interested to apply our developed algorithms in the following three application domains: 1) next generation wireless networks , 2) service drones, and other 3) decentralized learning and control systems. 


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Prof. Tara Javidi has been appointed as the inaugural holder of the Jerzy (George) Lewak Endowed Chair In the Jacobs School of Engineering.

Prof. Tara Javidi and UCSD have been selected to join the Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship, a program of Schmidt Futures, to accelerate the next scientific revolution by applying AI to research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).  The fellowship will support postdoctoral scholars in applying AI technology to research in STEM fields. 

The U.S. National Science Foundation recently announced 11 new artificial-intelligence research institutes, including The Institute for Learning-enabled Optimization at Scale (TILOS) lead by Prof Tara Javidi as one of the 4 coPIs. The AI research institutes are part of a $220 million investment spanning seven research areas in AI. Each institute receives about $20 million over five years. Congratulations to TILOS Team!


Tara Javidi, Ph.D., 


Electrical and Computer Engineering

email: tjavidi@ucsd.edu

Phone:  (858) 822-4924 

Fax: (858) 534-2486

4501 Franklin Antonio Hall 

4306 Atkinson Hall

UC San Diego, MC 0407         

9500 Gilman Dr

La Jolla, CA 92093-0407

Women in Information Theory Society Production

Congratulations to newly graduated Dr Nancy Ronquillo!